
Tax Problem? We’ll Help You Find a Solution!

Tax Problem Solutions from your Local Broward County Expert

It can happen by accident. You may not have withheld enough from your paycheck in the past year and wind up with a tax problem, owing the IRS money from a whopper of a tax bill in April. It could be you came into some money, spent it, and didn’t realize that a big chunk of it was owed to the IRS in taxes.

If your debt has been piling up for a while, the tax problem can be overwhelming and extremely stressful when owing the IRS money. You might feel stuck or frozen, not knowing what you should do or how you are going to get out of your situation. But the worst thing you can do is nothing. The penalties and interest just keep adding up, sinking you further and further into trouble.

Unlike most other Broward County tax firms we specialize in Tax Problem Resolution.

The IRS takes their money seriously! They will seek every legal way to collect the money they are owed. They can seize your assets, freeze your bank account, garnish your paycheck, and even restrict your passport.  They can file levies and liens on your property. We hope this hasn’t happened to you yet, but it will if you don’t act fast enough.

You’re not hiring someone who occasionally dabbles in this area of practice. You’re hiring someone who is specially trained and up to date on all the latest tax debt relief strategies. We are fully prepared to achieve the best result for you.

Our Tax Problem Resolution Process

Step 1: Consultation

During our private, confidential, free consultation we’ll discuss your unique tax situation. We will never try to sell you on, or recommend, a solution in our first meeting. It’s impossible for us to know what you qualify for until we get into the full investigation.

Step 2: Investigation

Here we’re going to dive into the numbers. We’re going to be pulling your IRS transcripts to find out what the IRS knows about you. We’ll be making contact with your Revenue Officer if you have one. We’ll also take care of any unfiled tax returns you might have. We’ll have to get you into compliance before you’ll be able to qualify for any IRS tax debt relief programs.

Step 3: Resolution

Now that we have all the information it’s time to see what tax debt relief programs you qualify for! We’ll be setting up another meeting together to go over your options. Once we come to a decision we will file whatever paperwork is necessary to complete the process. Keep in mind that it can often times take weeks to hear back from the IRS, so patience is important!

Step 4: Freedom

No matter what program you end up in continued compliance is essential. Some programs like the Offer in Compromise require several years of filed returns or they may terminate your agreement! Lucky for you we offer annual tax preparation services so we’ll make sure you stay on track!

A Tax Resolution Expert Can Help You in MANY ways!


  • Respond professionally to any IRS correspondence
  • Contact the IRS on your behalf so that you don’t have to face them directly
  • Get you caught up on filing back tax returns that are late
  • Understand the IRS Collections process and your rights
  • Negotiate penalties, interest, and taxes due
  • Work out a payment plan on any money you owe to the IRS
  • Fight for you on issues that come up, such as innocent spouse situations or positions taken on tax returns
  • Help you get levies and liens removed from your assets.

Bob Jablonsky & Associates demonstrated skill and knowledge in every aspect of the Tax process and we are so blessed and fortunate to meet and work with such a professional firm.” — Tom H.

Common Tax Problems

Federal Tax Liens

Tax liens may be filed against you, your spouse, or your company depending on how the tax liability was incurred. When you get a FTL everything you own is in jeopardy of becoming property of the government.

Unfiled Returns

Having unfiled returns is one of the most common tax problems. It doesn’t take much in life for tax returns to not be a priority. This is something you’ll want to address quickly; failing to file your tax returns is ultimately a criminal offense. If you do not file, you can be prosecuted and punished, possibly with jail time. 

Bank Levy

A levy is the IRS’s way of getting your money and your immediate attention. What they are saying is, “We have tried to communicate with you, but you have ignored us. If you own it, we can take it.” That includes bank accounts, autos, stocks, bonds, boats, pension checks, paychecks, and even Social Security checks!

Wage Garnishments

As bad as a bank levy is, a worse problem is a wage levy (or garnishment). That is when most of your paycheck goes to the IRS or State, which can often leave you barely enough to pay the bills. This can also be embaressing as they will send the request directly to your employer. 

Payroll Tax Problems

One of the most serious tax problems is the failure to collect, account for, and pay to the government any payroll taxes that were, or should have been, withheld from employees. These are referred to as “trust funds” and are vigorously collected using the most aggressive tools available to the government. 

Seizures of Assets

The last resort in most cases is the taking of physical assets, such as your home or car. Seizures happen in aggravated cases when someone ignores repeated requests by the IRS over a long period. This is one of the most powerful tools in the IRS arsenal.

Potential Tax Problem Solutions

Offer In Compromise

The idea of the Offer in Compromise program is to give you a fresh start with the IRS. The OIC is one of the best tools in the tax resolution toolbox! It allows you to pay an amount you can afford regardless of the amount you owe. Once your offer is complete you are back in the good graces of the IRS!

Installment Agreement

Installment Agreements are one of the most common tax resolution solutions. This is where you can get more time to pay the tax you owe by setting up monthly payments. Having an installment agreement in place will ensure that the IRS does not proceed with any furthur collection actions like liens or levies.

Penalty Abatement

How does the IRS expect you to pay what you owe when they keep adding penalties and interest! I’m happy to tell you that in some cases it is actually possible to get some of those penalties reduced or removed all together.

Audit Representation

Nothing strikes fear more than receiving an IRS or State Audit letter in the mail. Audit Specialists are trained to get information out of taxpayers that’s why it’s important to find a qualified representitive to help you through the process. 

Innocent Spouse Relief

Did you know that it’s possible to get out of the tax debt due to the tax problems created by your spouse? Innocent Spouse Relief exists to clear up situations where one spouse is clearly not responsible for the tax liability created by their spouse or former spouse.


Contrary to what you may have heard, taxes can be dischargeable in bankruptcy. Back taxes, interest, and penalties may be erased. Bankruptcy is often a last resort, but in certain cases can be the best option. I am not an attorney but can set you up with a local referral.

Currently Non Collectible

If a taxpayer can show that the IRS is putting them into economic hardhip they may be eligible to be placed into Currently Non Collectible (CNC) status. CNC will temporarily pause any active collections against the taxpayer by the IRS. 

Get in touch

1900 Jay Ell Drive
Richardson, TX  75081

(972) 821-1991


Mon-Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm

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