
Bob Jablonsky & Associates Blog

Are Your Assets at Risk? Here’s How to Prevent IRS Seizure

by | Apr 30, 2024

If you have unpaid taxes, the IRS can take your property to settle the debt. 

It can be an overwhelming situation, but there are ways to protect your assets from the IRS. When you understand your rights, you can take proactive steps to protect your assets from IRS collection.

If you have unpaid taxes, don’t hesitate to reach out to Bob Jablonsky & Associates to explore your tax relief options. Contact Bob Jablonsky and Associates today for a free consultation or call us at (954) 715-7285!

What is IRS Seizure?

IRS seizure is a legal process where the Internal Revenue Service confiscates your property or assets to cover unpaid tax liabilities. This is usually a last ditch effort for the IRS in cases where their other collection efforts haven’t worked. 

The IRS has very broad powers and the authority to seize property belonging to taxpayers to satisfy unpaid tax debts. This process, known as a seizure, is a legal action taken by the IRS to collect unpaid taxes by taking possession of a taxpayer’s assets. These assets can include bank accounts, wages, real estate, vehicles, business assets and other personal property. The thought of the IRS seizing one’s property can be daunting

How Can I Protect My Assets From The IRS?
Protecting your assets from IRS seizure requires proactive planning and taking appropriate steps. Consider the following strategies:

1) Timely Tax Compliance: Stay current with your tax obligations by filing accurate tax returns and making prompt payments. Being up to date reduces the likelihood of triggering IRS collection actions.

    2) Open Communication with the IRS: If you have financial difficulties, it’s important  to maintain open and honest communication with the IRS. Be proactive. Reach out to discuss your situation and explore available options to address your tax debt. 

    3) Negotiate an Installment Agreement: Requesting an installment agreement allows you to pay your tax debt in manageable monthly installments. This can prevent the need for asset seizure by demonstrating your commitment to resolving the debt.

    4) Offer in Compromise: An Offer in Compromise is an option where you can settle your tax debt for less than the full amount owed. Engaging in negotiations with the IRS to reach a reasonable compromise can help protect your assets from seizure.

    5) Seek Professional Assistance: Consulting with a qualified tax professional, such as Bob Jablonsky, can provide valuable guidance and expertise in protecting your assets from IRS seizure. Their knowledge of tax laws and experience in dealing with the IRS can significantly increase your chances of a favorable outcome.

    Safeguarding your assets from IRS seizure requires careful planning and proactive measures.

    Choosing The Right Tax Resolution Professional

    When it comes to protecting your hard-earned assets, choosing the right tax resolution professional is crucial. 

    That’s where Bob Jablonsky, founder of Bob Jablonsky & Associates, comes in.

    Bob and his team of professionals have extensive experience and expertise in tax resolution, and is your trusted partner in defending your assets from IRS collection actions. 

    By working with Bob Jablonsky and Associates, you can be confident that your assets are in capable hands. 
    Take the first step towards securing your financial future— Contact Bob Jablonsky & Associates today and discuss with the experts to protect your assets from IRS seizure. Contact us for a free consultation or contact us at (954) 715-7285! Get Tax Relief Now!

    Bob Jablonsky is the founder of Bob Jablonsky & Associates. He has spent his career helping taxpayers resolve tax issues and get back on track with the IRS. In addition to tax resolution his firm also prepares hundreds of tax returns every year for both individuals and small to mid-sized businesses.

    Bob is an IRS Enrolled Agent (EA), which is an elite credential issued by the Internal Revenue Service to professionals who demonstrate special competence in federal tax planning, individual and business tax return preparation, and representation matters. An Enrolled Agent license is the highest credential awarded by the IRS and is recognized across all 50 states. Additionally he is a CMA, or Certified Management Accountant, a designation for financial controllers and CFOs (Chief Financial Officers), as well as an Advanced Certified Quickbooks Pro Advisor.

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