
Plano TX – How To Get an IRS Tax Lien Withdrawn!

Many of the Taxpayer’s coming into our Richardson, TX tax office with IRS Debt have a Notice of Federal Tax Lien (NFTL) or are under threat of an NFTL. As you’ve learned over the past few weeks, the Notice of Federal Tax Lien (NFTL) is a powerful tool of the IRS and...

Richardson TX – The IRS NFTL. What is the Impact?

When taxpayer’s come into my office in Richardson, TX related to IRS tax debt issues, threat of or Notice of a Federal Tax Lien is one of the major reasons.  Taxpayers often don’t understand the process, how a Tax Lien impacts them, and what they can do to avoid one...

Plano TX – How to calculate Insolvency for a Cancelled Debt on Form 982

Two weeks ago, I wrote that there are certain situations which permit the exclusion from Gross Income on a Taxpayer’s tax return, when they are the recipients of debt forgiveness that would typically be taxed. One of the options that permitted exclusion was for debt...

Plano TX – Are you aware that there are exceptions to Being Taxed on Cancelled Debt? Here’s a List of Them.

As I wrote a week ago, in general, if you borrow money and you are legally obligated to repay that debt at a future date, and if that debt is forgiven in full or in part, the cancelled debt becomes taxable income to you. I also discussed Amounts that could be excluded...

Plano TX – Owe the IRS? You May Have Passports Problems!

When taxpayer’s have IRS Debt, the IRS has a number of tools to use to collect the debt.  Those include levies, liens, and can also include revoking the taxpayer’s passport.  For some taxpayers, this is not a major threat.  For others, there can be a substantial...

Frisco TX – What Does it Mean to be in Tax Compliance and Why It’s Critical to Taxpayers

When taxpayer’s come into our Richardson, TX tax office, one of the biggest challenges I often have is getting them into tax compliance.  Today, we’ll discuss what Tax Compliance means to the IRS and why it’s critical to effectively resolving your tax debt.  ...